studio art show - december 2024
brimming with art and handcrafted gifts
Enjoy browsing through five plus rooms of original fine art, wearable art, and gifts crafted from treasures gathered from garden, woodlands, and seashore.
You're invited...
4137 116th Avenue SE, Olympia WA 98501

the first three weekends of December
Saturdays 10am to 8pm
Sundays 1pm to 5pm
or weekdays by appointment
by appointment
Call my landline phone (at page bottom) to arrange a visit.
Visit my lakeside home-studio at
4137 116th Avenue SE, Olympia, WA 98501
show preview
Click here or the photo at left to see photos of last year's show.
New photos coming soon!
pre-thanksgiving preview studio show
If time allows, I may host a studio preview Sunday afternoon, November 24. Watch here for updates.
I'm so pleased to have my studio open again this year.
If you live nearby, do come visit. :)
~ Steve
purchase art
Purchase new paintings online at and artist search for Steve Scheibe.
other art shows and events
art year-round
My art is always for sale online year-round.
Some of my art is here on this website. Click on an art medium at right to see more.
dailypaintworks gallery
Many more watercolors, pastels, and oil paintings are on sale on my gallery pages at
Click the photo above to see each painting up close at my webpage.