artful living ~ fall 2012

mom's wool sock-blank gets colors of lavender fields

While Mom is away at the ocean, living very artfully with a guild of quilters, I have dyed a sock-blank of wool with my jacquard silk dyes.

See photos and story...






a moving mission

In October, I flew to Mission, Texas, to help move a dear family friend up to Eastern Washington. It was a great adventure. I saw many new landscapes and took many photos.

At right is my first impression of Texas after a couple of long flights. The clear sky, tall palms, and warm Gulf air welcomed me to my adventure.








scribble sketchbook

A miraculous trip, we made great time driving from the tropics to snow. The final leg of my journey was a train ride home. I was so exhausted I slept through breakfast. But when I awoke, the fall colors inspired me to draw leaves - which I did in crayon. I liked my scribbly crayon sketches so much that when I arrived in Seattle, I bought a "scribble sketchbook" just for crayons. Using crayons helps me approach my artwork playfully and freely - a bit like my silk dye-painting.

My crayons had melted in the Texas heat. But they still worked fine.

from the train following a river through the mountain pass

a blur of color and light from my train window

Trains have layovers too. I ate well in Seattle and bought a sketch book to become my official "crayon scribble book."

Scribbling works well on any paper.

My family tells me that my first large artwork was a mural in crayon - on the wall behind the sofa. I don't remember it, but apparently I stood on the back of the sofa and colored as high as I could reach. It sounds like fun. it's no wonder I still enjoy scribbling with crayons.


fall garden ~ something new in the latter season

For a second crop, I planted fall and winter vegetables on September 14, 2012...and watered. I've enjoyed a bit of lettuce. With snow and cold, I haven't checked lately to see what has survived and is still edible. Next year I'll maybe plant a bit earlier.