fall workshops 

painting silk in the serti method using non-toxic, water-base dyes

There were four classes in November 2009. Each class was limited to ten students.
Thanks to all who attended and contributed to making each class special.

January and February class schedules are in the works...check back soon!

I'm planning for a longer class time, allowing for (new addition) a spontaneous scarf, a designed scarf, and a handkerchief sample.

fall dates and times (now past)

  1. Saturday, Nov. 14th - from 9:00AM to Noon 
  2. Monday, Nov. 16th - from 6:30 to 9:30PM
  3. Wednesday, Nov. 18th - from 6:30 to 9:30PM

location of classes

Classes were held in an artsy room downstairs in the old Carnegie Library, also the present site of Reality at the NE corner of Franklin and 7th, downtown Olympia
see map 620 Franklin St. SE, Olympia, WA 98501


$85 per student includes:
  • Silk, dyes, materials and supplies
  • Instruction on silk dying and color
  • Coaching & assistance creating your silk scarf
  • Steam-setting of your silk artwork for permanence (hand-washable and dry-cleanable)
  • Shipping of your silk to you when steam-set
  • Choose from approx 11 x 60 inch 100% silk in habotai, silk satin, and crepe de chine.

availability & reservations

You may call or email to verify class availability. (see phone and email below - and replace "at" with @ in my email address) To reserve your place, send a check for $85 per student to my business address which is at the page bottom (footer). Please note that this is NOT the class location (see above for class location). Please make checks payable to visibleinvisible. Thanks!
This photo (left) is our Monday, November 16 class.  
All nine students created lovely paintings on silk.